New Year in Thailand
New year in Thailand is celebrated with a splash of water. New year is also known as the water festival in Thailand because water is believed to clean and wash away all the sorrows and bad deeds of the previous year. On this occasion, people celebrate by splashing water on each other, enjoying a good time together.
New years in Thailand are basically a traditional eve when religious events and festive activities can be seen all across the country. Thai people go to Thai Buddhist temples to make merit and donations as a part of traditional activity and ritual followed since ancient time. Listening dharma speeches told by monks is also a popular ritual and cultural tradition among Thai people, followed especially on the new years day. Thai's new year is observed in the mid of the hottest month of April.
Thailand prepares enough for this big event by throwing a great grand bash. They start cleaning their house, making it look more beautiful, fresh and clean with a belief that removing all dirt from homes on new years helps remove bad luck and brings prosperity for the years ahead. The especial and most attractive part of Thailand new year celebration is the songkran festival without which the celebration remains incomplete.
A big water battle on this day is organized which takes place between family and friends. The one, who gets drenched in water completely, is considered to be blessed with good luck and charm. Water is the symbol of purity, that helps remove dirt by cleansing away all the bad things from the past. Therefore, the water battle is known as the most popular new year celebration events across Thailand and nearby states.
New Years Eve in Thailand
New year eve in Thailand offers a great way to beat the heat with songkran festival that is practiced since the ancestral times in Thailand. It is traditional event that takes place every year on new years and is considered to be one of the most auspicious occasions sue to the main element 'water' which is an important symbol of the festive season.
Songkran festival of new year is all about water. A fun water battle is organized on new year eve in Thailand and Thai people participate in the event to wash away their bad deeds and dirt of the past and bringing in good luck and prosperity for years ahead. This new year, planning out a trip to Thailand, can add a memorable moment in your life journey.