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Bank Holidays » 2014
Bank Holidays 2014 |
Bank holidays as the name suggests the public holidays which provide an option to many working professionals a relief from day to day office burden to spend time on various activities in order to make himself stress-free. From now on, working professionals have been started their planning for banking holidays in the year of 2014 even if its two years to go.
Banking holiday is usually falls on Sunday or on a national or international independent day or republic day. Except these public holidays, most of the banks are working on five days basis as a result their employees get two days off in a week.
Bank Holiday List 2014 Worldwide
Holiday list of banks vary from one country to another depending upon the nation and banks whether it's a private or public sector. In the year 2014, first of January is the new year holiday for all banks across the world. April 18 is the good Friday and its followed by Easter on 21 April. The whole banking organization celebrates 5 May as early bank holiday and 26 May as the spring bank holiday in the same year followed by 25 August as Summer bank holiday. Now, the year 2014 comes to an end and its that time of December called Christmas 25 as a public holiday across the globe followed by Boxing day on 26 of December.
Bank holidays are indeed a great off specially for working professionals those are working from Monday to Friday at their offices throughout the year. In a bank holiday, one can engage himself or herself in various fun as well as essential activities including shopping, attending any festivals or arranging some parties as well in order to give a god time to their loving children.